Finance Department

Yearly Financial Statements and Audits can be found here:

Yearly Financial Statements and Audits

The City received the 2022 Auditor of State Award with Distinction. The award is given for excellence in financial reporting, compliance and management. The Finance Department is very proud of this accomplishment.

2022 Auditor Award

All of the City’s financial activity is processed, recorded and reported by the Finance Department. This includes the receipt of all money owed to the city and the payment of all money the city owes to suppliers, contractors, employees, lending institutions, and other governmental units.

The Finance Department’s major areas of responsibility include budget management, benefits, purchasing, assets, accounting, debts management, investments, and financial reporting. The Finance Department works closely with all city departments in processing money collected, records and deposits receipts, and pays all the bills for the city departments, in accordance with the laws governing the expenditure of taxpayer money. Various reports are then prepared, such as cash basis receipts and expenditures, and accrual basis revenues and expenditures. One report that is prepared on an annual basis is the General Purpose Financial Statements. This report is subject to an annual audit by the State of Ohio or an accounting firm approved by the State.